21CV754-Intelligent Transportation Systems

Course Learning Objectives

This course will enable students to : Have an awareness and scope of transport issues, such as, traffic safety, public transport, advanced vehicle management and control. Learn how Intelligent transport systems (ITS) involve the application of information technology and telecommunications to control traffic, inform travellers and drivers, operate public transport, automating payments, handle emergencies and incidents, operate commercial fleets and freight exchange, and automate driving and safety. 




Basic elements of intelligent transportation systems (ITS): focusing on technological, systems and institutional aspects. Benefits of ITS -ITS Data collection techniques – Detectors, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), video data collection


Advanced traveler information systems: Transportation network operations; commercial vehicle operations and intermodal freight.


Public transportation applications: ITS and regional strategic transportation planning, including regional architectures.


ITS and changing transportation institutions: ITS and safety, ITS and security, ITS as a technology deployment program, research, development and business models, ITS and sustainable mobility.


Travel demand management: electronic toll collection, and ITS and road-pricing. Automated Highway SystemsVehicles in Platoons –ITS in World – Overview of ITS Implementations in developed countries, ITS in developing countries.

Course outcome

After studying this course, students would be able to suggest the appropriate system/s in various functional areas of transportation. Would be able to amalgamate the various systems, plan and implement the applications of ITS. Would have learnt the application of information technology and telecommunication to control traffic and also provide advance information to the travellers, automatic handling of emergencies and to improve safety. 

Suggested Learning Resources

Text Books 1.Choudury M A and Sadek A, “Fundamentals of Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning” Artech House. 2. Pradip Kumar Sarkar, Amit Kumar Jain, “Intelligent Transport Systems”, PHI Learning Publishers  3. Kan Paul Chen, John Miles, “Recommendations for World Road Association (PIARC)” ITS Hand Book 2000. 4. Sussman, J. M., “Perspective on ITS”, Artech House Publishers, 2005. 5. US Department of Transportation, “National ITS Architecture Documentation”, 2007 (CDROM).6. Turban. E and Aronson. J. E, “Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems”