21EC732 Digital Image Processing

Course Learning Objectives
● Understand the fundamentals of digital image processing.
● Understand the image transform used in digital image processing.
● Understand the image enhancement techniques in spatial domain used in digital image processing.
● Understand the Color Image Processing and frequency domain enhancement techniques in digital image processing.
● Understand the image restoration techniques and methods used in digital image processing.
Digital Image Fundamentals What is Digital Image Processing?, Origins of Digital Image Processing, Examples of fields that use DIP, Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing, Components of an Image Processing System, Elements of Visual Perception, Image Sensing and Acquisition, Image Sampling and Quantization, Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels.
Image Transforms Introduction, Two-Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms, Properties of Unitary Transforms, Two-Dimensional DFT, cosine Transform, Haar Transform.
Spatial Domain Some Basic Intensity Transformation Functions, Histogram Processing, Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering, Smoothing Spatial Filters, Sharpening Spatial Filters
Frequency Domain Basics of Filtering in the Frequency Domain, Image Smoothing and Image Sharpening Using Frequency Domain Filters. Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Pseudo-color Image Processing.
Restoration A model of the Image Degradation/Restoration Process, Noise models, Restoration in the Presence of Noise Only using Spatial Filtering and Frequency Domain Filtering, Inverse Filtering, Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener) Filtering.
Course outcome
1. Understand image formation and the role of human visual system plays in perception of gray and color image data.
2. Compute various transforms on digital images.
3. Conduct independent study and analysis of Image Enhancement techniques.
4. Apply image processing techniques in frequency (Fourier) domain.
5. Design image restoration techniques.
Suggested Learning Resources
Text Books : 1. Digital Image Processing- Rafael C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, PHI, 3 Edition 2010. 2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing- A K Jain, PHI Learning Private Limited 2014.Reference Book : Digital Image Processing- S Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.